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Seniors' Health Resources


Welcome to the Resource Guide for Seniors' Health. Please use the tabs to explore different resources.

If you have questions, please visit us on the 3rd floor of the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, email or call 416-864-5059.  Click the header logo or here to access our full site.

Disclaimer: This Resource Guide is a collection of resources and can serve as a starting point for Seniors’ Health research and information. The policies and practices that can be found within this LibGuide are not necessarily practiced at St. Michael’s Hospital. If you happen to be a patient or family member, please consult your health care professional.

Senior Friendly Hospital Strategy

The Senior Friendly Hospital Strategy is a cross-LHIN, provincial wide strategy to enable seniors to maintain optimal health and function while they are hospitalized, so they can transition successfully home or to the next appropriate level of care. Currently, St. Michael’s Hospital has a refreshed 3-year Senior Friendly Hospital Strategy (2016-2019). Please visit the website below to find out more about the provincial strategy.

New Resource for high quality information for patients

McMaster Optimal Aging Portal

Check out the McMaster Optimal Aging Portal – a great resource for evidence about how to stay healthy, active and engaged as we grow older. Start browsing or register for free to access all content and receive updates.

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