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Library Value Toolkit V2

Task Force Recommendations

"Image courtesy of [Master isolated images] /".What do we think you should keep in mind?

Recommendation 1: Incorporate core competencies when writing job descriptions or hiring.
You might be missing something!

Recommendation 2: Include core competencies when monitoring and planning for professional development. These can be indicators for evaluation.

Recommendation 3: Exploit those competencies that staff have demonstrated. It could lead to new services, new products, new ventures.

Core Competencies


This section is dedicated to identifying some of the core competencies of librarians and health library services.

Core Competencies: How does this fit in?

Competent staff is a key 'input' to any program or service.

When new staff is hired, competencies must be identified that are required for the activities and outputs of the position. For current staff, competencies must be evaluated and monitored. Opportunities for professional development, both formal and informal must be provided.

Defining and making others aware of our core competencies help us to promote our skills and the value we offer our organizations.

Make sure to check out the HSICT Scope of Practice Document (see link below.)

Image courtesy of [Stuart Miles] / FreeDigitalPhotos.netCore Competencies from CARL

 Holistic Compendium of Core Competencies from CARL Report (Canadian Association of Research Libraries). Emphasis depends on position. For Research Librarians, but adaptable.

  1. Foundational Knowledge - Know your Subject Area, your Organization, the Extra-institutional Environment, etc.
  2. Interpersonal Skills - Adaptability, Communication, Change Management, Advocacy, Marketing, Decision Making, etc.
  3. Leadership & Management - Financial Management, Project Management, Risk Management, etc.
  4. Collections Development - Digital Curation, Collection Management,  Publishing Cycle, etc.
  5. Information Literacy - Reference Services, Learning & Teaching, Critical Thinking, Patron Engagement, etc.
  6. Research & Contributions to the Profession - Research & Publications, Conferences, Professional Associations, etc.
  7. Information Tech Skills - e-Resource Management, Emerging Web Technologies, ILS, Database Management.


*TASKFORCE NOTE*: We'd like to add one more competency  that may be implicit in all of the above, but we think needs to be made explicit: that is:    Service Delivery Orientation.