"Mendeley Desktop" has been discontinued. "Mendeley Reference Manager" has replaced it.
Elsevier announcement: "As of September 1, 2022, users will no longer be able to download and install Mendeley Desktop software. Existing users, who have already installed Mendeley Desktop, will continue to be able to sign into, use and sync their Mendeley Desktop."
For help with the transition to Mendeley Reference Manager, please visit Mendeley's LibGuide and their support pages.
The new Mendeley Reference Manager program has a number of issues, particularly the Mendeley Cite add-in to Word. At this time, we are not recommending Mendeley Reference Manager and suggest installing Zotero or EndNote instead.
Mendeley is a reference manager program that allows you to manage citations and PDFs, automatically insert citations into your papers, and share citations with other Mendeley users.
Mendeley is one part reference management software and one part social network. It has many features that are similar to other reference management programs, but offers some unique benefits:
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