If you want your research article to present your data in a way that would allow your intended audience to understand it, replicate it, and apply it, reporting guidelines will help by providing a minimum set of information that should be presented. This will increase the transparency of research and ensure that your work is not wasted.
"Reporting guidelines provide structured advice on what information needs to be included in a research article as a minimum to allow readers to assess study methods, relevance, and validity of presented findings. They focus on the scientific content of an article and thus complement journals’ instructions for authors."
- Iveta Simera (2014)
Check the "Requirements for Reporting" section of the Instructions for Authors of your intended journal
BMC. Reporting Guidelines [Internet]. BMC Writing Resources. BioMed Central; [cited 2019 Feb 21].
Simera I. The EQUATOR Network: Supporting Editors in Publishing Well-Reported Health Research. Science. 2014;37(1):15.
UK EQUATOR Centre. Reporting guidelines and journals: fact & fiction [Internet]. The EQUATOR Network. [cited 2019 Feb 21].