Most people in health care settings who are trying to perform research are squeezing time to do it in and around busy, unpredictable schedules. Even when you and your team have protected time in which to work on research, calendars and timelines get complicated and projects run off the rails. Keeping yourself and all of your team members on track is difficult, but important for the success of your project.
"An idiom denoting a futile attempt to control or organize a class of entities which are inherently uncontrollable – as in the difficulty of attempting to command a large number of cats into a group"
Caan, John Wright & Sue Hampton-Matthews, Woody. Start as you mean to go on: Project management for beginners. Journal of Mental Health. 1997;6(5):467-72.
Maddalena V. A primer on project management. Leadership in Health Services. 2012;25(2):80-9.