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APA Referencing & Publication Style: In-Text Citations

The American Psychological Association's publication manual provides guidelines for authors on how to format reports, tables, citations and bibliographies. This is the preferred style used at Toronto Public Health.

APA Style

All the information in this guide is based on the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Please refer to the original text for complete details. A reference copy is available at the TPH library. 

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Citing within your report

In-text citations include the:
a. author’s last name, or organization/group name (if none, provide the first few words of the title in italics)
b. year of publication, or last updated date
c. If referring to text from a specific location in the document, include the page number (p. page). Use the paragraph (para. paragraph), or title of the section heading if no page number is available. [See 6.5 of the Manual]

In-text citation formats:
1. Direct citation: Author (Year) showed that “quote” (p. page).
2. Parenthetical citation: One study showed that “quote” (Author, Year, p. page).

Formatting In Text citations with Various Types of Authors

Types of In-Text Citations

Direct citation

Parenthetical format

One author

Sharma (2017) suggests that " …" (p. page #).

 It was suggested that "...."(Sharma, 2017, p. page #).

Two authors

Sharma and Gardham (2014) state that "…" (p. page #).

Some authors state that "..." (Sharma & Gardham, 2014, p. page #).

Three (+) authors

Sharma, Gardham, and Latan (2019) explain that "…" (p. page #).

Some researchers explain that "...." (Sharma, Gardham and Latan, 2019, p. page #).

Six (+) authors

Sharma et al. (2018) outline "…" (p. page #).

The following outline "..." (Sharma et al., 2018, p. page #)

Group authors

Toronto Public Health (2019) reports that "…" (p. page #).

Reports released recently highlight "....." (Toronto Public Health, 2019, p. page #).

Group authors with abbreviation

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH,

2003) recommended that "…" (p. page).

Recommendations such as "...." (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH],

2003, p. page).

Figure 1. Formatting In Text citations with Various Types of Authors. Adapted from “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,” by the American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 177. Copyright 2010 by the American Psychological Association. [Follow this format for graphs, tables, & figures]

Note: When a source has 3 – 5 authors, cite all authors the first time it appears in-text. In subsequent in-text citations, include only the first author’s surname followed by “et al.” *See section 6.12 of the APA Manual.