What are collections? Collections allow you to organize resources into groups and subgroups. This means one resource can belong to more than one of your collections and subcollections in your Zotero library at the same time. Collections are useful for filing resources, especially if you are working on more than one project in Zotero simultaneously. With collections, you can group items for a project, by source, by topic, by course, by quality of resource - however it makes sense for you.
- To create a new collection in Zotero Standalone, select the New Collection button.
(click on images to open a larger version in a new window)
- You will be prompted to add a name for your collection.
- Your new collection will now appear in your library bar on the left-hand side.
- To add items that already exist in your library to your collection, select My Library and view the items.
- To add resources to a collection, drag them from the middle pane to the appropriate collection in the left hand pane.
- To make a subcollection, right-click on a collection and choose New Subcollection - or drag an existing collection into another collection.
- To rename a collection, right-click on it (control-click on Macs) and select Rename Collection.