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Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19 Banner

Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19

Please note: The content on this guide is no longer being updated and may not reflect current evidence or guidance.


The Big Pivot in learning and teaching required – very suddenly – a halt Image of virus drawing on chalkboard surrounded by icons relating to covid-19 by athree23 from Pixabayof face-to-face learning and the rapid transition to alternate delivery, both academically and clinically.  In the face of this pandemic and seemingly overnight, teaching and learning went virtual – and the volume of information on online pedagogy -  best and emerging practices, how to transition to online, using simulation, supervising learners doing virtual care  - became overwhelming.

To address this information overload, the UHN-Michener library team and Clinical Education are collaborating with partners from Learning, Innovation & Research (LIR) and The Institute for Education Research (TIER) to curate relevant, reliable sources of information to facilitate knowledge synthesis and mobilization to enable all our teachers and learners to realize the best education and best teaching and learning experience.  

We will also be curating Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and our information SWAT team is ready to find the evidence to answer your questions about teaching and learning in the time of COVID.

Please send any questions or recommendations to:

Juanita Richardson – Manager, Learning Resource Centre, Michener Institute:

Tracy Paulenko – Educational Development Leader & Interprofessional Education-Care Co-leader, UHN Clinical Education;

Please Note

The recommendations and suggestions on this repository are curated by librarians, research scientists, education design specialists, and clinical educators at UHN. Please note that the suggestions and recommendations provided on this site may or may not be grounded in peer-reviewed evidence. In these unprecedented times, evidence to adapt and support the continued delivery of teaching and learning is emerging slowly. However, all the resources used and cited within this resource come from authoritative sources and/or leaders in the field of teaching, learning, and education. It is our aim to update this repository as evidence emerges. We welcome suggestions for improvement. If you are an educator and have additional resources, strategies or evidence to share with us, do not hesitate to contact us.