Before you start consider the following:
1. Building ORCID profile & connecting ORCID iD using SCOPUS
Step 1. Log into ORCID and under Works, click on Add works
Step 2. Click on Search & link
Step 3. Scroll down until you locate Scopus to ORCID
Advantages | Since Scopus Author ID is generated automatically when the citations are added to Scopus, it is very likely that all researchers have one Scopus Author ID. This eliminates the need to start your profile from scratch. |
Disadvantages |
Since Scopus Author ID is generated automatically, you must verify the accuracy of data and alert Scopus if corrections are needed. |
2. Building ORCID profile & connecting ORCID iD using CrossRef
Advantages | CrossRef is a very reliable source. You can also search for a known item by DOI. |
Disadvantages | It usually works best for searching known items. It you are a prolific author with many publications, it might take a long time to locate all your articles by author searching. |
3. Building ORCID profile & connecting ORCID iD using ResearcherID
Advantages | If your ResearcherID is already set up, it is very easy to syn the two profiles. |
Disadvantages | Only articles that are indexed in Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics can be included in ResearcherID. |
Step 1: Log into Lens using your ORCID iD.
Step 2: As an ORCID iD holders you can search the Lens and associate patent inventorship.
Step 3: Find the Inventors section in the document. Assign the patent document to yourself simply by hovering the mouse over your name. You will be asked "Is this you?" Click on Record Inventorship (see below or an example here).
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