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iPads at the Library

Circulation and use policies

Who can check out iPads?

All students, faculty and staff are eligible to borrow the iPads. Guests and other affiliated borrowers are not eligible.

Where do I go to check out an iPad?

iPads will be available to check out from the circulation desk at the Scotiabank Health Science Library.

How long can I keep an iPad?

iPads can be borrowed for a week. You may check out the iPad again if there is no one on the waiting list. iPads must be returned in person to the circulation desk. The borrower is responsible for any loss or damage to device while in his/her possession.

What if all iPads are checked out?

You can place a hold on a device.

What are the fines and fees for overdue,lost or damaged iPads?

Fines will apply for overdue iPads at $10/day.  For other fees due to loss or damage please see the full policy document.

Can I download any apps to the iPad?

Borrowers may download apps to the device using their own iTunes account. These apps however will not be permanently retained on the device and will be removed when the device is returned. If you would like a particular app to be permanent, please contact us with the recommendation at

What if I left any documents or information on the iPads?

The borrower is responsible for deleting any personal information that may have been added to the device while in his/her possession before the device is returned. Each iPad will be restored to a default setting upon each check in, deleting all data and apps from the previous user. The Library is not responsible for anything you load or leave on Library equipment.

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