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Diuretics - Hydrochlorothiazide, Furosemide ,Indapamide, Chlorothalidone

Diuretics are medications that lower high blood pressure by excreting excess electrolytes and water as waste in the form of urine. As kidney function declines, salt accumulates within the blood. The body then attempts to regulate the imbalance by retaining more fluid, leading to hypertension. Diuretics lower this pressure resulting from kidney failure, by flushing the unnecessary salt and the extra fluid through our urine. As a result, less fluid flows through the vessel causing it to dilate and lower blood pressure

People taking diuretics should monitor their daily weight, blood creatinine and sodium and potassium levels. Report to your physician if you find weight changes of more than three pounds a day.  It is important to stay hydrated by continuously drinking fluids such as water throughout the duration of taking this medication, but drinking excess water may also have negative impacts.

Talk to your health care provider if you experience feelings of dizziness and weakness.

Here is a helpful handout from BC Renal Agency to help you learn about this medication!