Safety tips for people who are fully vaccinated. People are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after they get their second dose of an mRNA vaccine, such as Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna, or two weeks after a single dose of the Janssen
(Johnson & Johnson) vaccine.
If you already got your COVID-19 vaccine, are you wondering when the immunity kicks in and how long it lasts? Can you still catch COVID-19 and can you infect others? How long do you need to take precautions after vaccination? A WHO’s Doctor answers these questions.
Useful information for people who want to know more if the vaccine will protect them from getting COVID-19 and if they can transmit COVID-19 to anyone else if they have been vaccinated.
Information on the known side effects of COVID-19 vaccines, what causes these side effects, and whether or not the pre-existing medical conditions could interfere with or intensify the side effects.
Questions and answers about common side effects of COVID-19 vaccinations, especially the second dose of Moderna’s and Pfizer’s vaccines and what's going on in your body after you get vaccinated..