Citation management systems can help you manage and organize your citations and format bibliographies and footnotes in your papers.
Many different citation management tools are available such as Endnote, Mendeley, or Zotero.
Most citation management tools can help you to:
APA Citation Style
The most common citation style for health sciences literature. Listed below are a few links to help you familiarize yourself with this style. Each Library also has a copy of the 6th and 7th editions of the APA Manual that can be borrowed.
Endnote is another citation management system which has a free basic version or a paid version. WOHS does not have a subscription to Endnote. Listed below are a few links if you would like to try the basic version.
Please contact Library Staff if you have any questions!
BCH - Janice Thompson or ext. 58794 EGH - Anna Mann or ext. 33334 PMC - Melissa Paladines or ext. 29188