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Consumer Health: CAM & Chiropractic

This LibGuide is about Consumer Health.

CAM Journals


CAM Websites

Medline Plus: Complementary and Alternative Medicine

A broad coverage of topics related to complementary, integrative, or alternative medicine. 

Medline Plus: Herbs and Supplements

Browse dietary supplements and herbal remedies to learn about their effectiveness, usual dosage, and drug interactions.


Monthly journal about evidence-based health care produced by scientists at Oxford University. Provides a subset of analyses, commentaries, and meta-analyses of complementary therapies found in Cochrane or PubMed searches.

UBC Alternative & Integrative Medical Society

The website provides quality resources in the field of integrative medicine to students, professionals and members of the community.

Chiropractic Websites: Patient Resources

American Chiropractic Association: Patient Resources

ACA provides valuable and time-saving resources on health and wellness for patients, including back pain fact and prevention, headaches, posture, neck pain and more. 

The website provides valuable information on how to manage and live with arthritis, including digital and printable worksheets, guides, and tools.

British Chiropractic Association: Patient Resources

Information on the BCA’s Straighten Up UK program and an expert advice on different aspects of everyday life, such as lifting and carrying, sitting at computer, driving, gardening and more.

Canadian Chiropractic Guideline Initiatives provides patient resources on various topics such as shoulder pain, lumbar spine stenosis, osteoarthritis, concussion, headaches, neck pain, back pain, low back pain, and knee impairment. 

Canadian Chiropractic Association: Patient Resources

The CCA website provides information on Straighten Up Canada posture program, tips on back care and falls prevention and the access to Find a Chiro search engine tool.

European Chiropractors’ Union: Public Health

This web page contains information about the ECU’s public health initiatives, including the Straighten Up public health campaign and GLA:D® Back program.

Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Board: Consumer Information

The FCLB is the premier international resource for information and consolidated services for ensuring the safe, ethical practice of chiropractic. The website provides Questions and Answers about Professional Regulation and the Chiropractic Profession.

New Zealand Chiropractors’ Association: Straighten Up

Information on the Straighten Up New Zealand  and Just Start Walking programs created by the NZCA.

Orthogate: Patient Education

Orthogate is dedicated to providing ways to improve access to the information needed to make informed decisions about healthcare in orthopaedics and sports medicine.

World Spine Care: Yoga Project

The project is focused on building community capacity for low mobility populations by sharing the practices of Yoga as tools for management and prevention of musculoskeletal pain. 

World Spine Care: Straighten Up

“Straighten Up” is a 3 minute, easy to perform spinal health program designed to help adults and children prevent and manage spinal pain. It is a worldwide health initiative geared to improve posture, structural development and self-esteem.

Backcare Awareness Programme

Our BackCare Awareness Programme aims to share valuable information on looking after your spine. Our materials are available to share with friends, family and colleagues.

CAM Websites

Canadian Cancer Society: Complementary Therapies  

Complementary therapies to help improve overall health and well-being of cancer patients.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center: About Herbs Database

Led by an oncology-trained pharmacist and a botanical expert.

National Cancer Institute (NCI): Complementary and Alternative Medicine

NCI provides evidence-based Physician Data Query (PDQ) information for many CAM therapies in versions for both the patient and health professional.

Natural Medicines

High quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Information on complementary, alternative, or integrative health practices and natural products. Includes review of scientific evidence for usefulness, toxicities and precautions.

National Institutes of Health (NIH): Dietary Supplement Fact Sheets

This collection of fact sheets and other resources presents information about dietary supplements and their ingredients including vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals, probiotics, and more.

Selected CAM Books