Need to quickly check for full-text using a DOI (digital object identifier) or PMID (PubMed ID)? Jump to Option 1.
Know the title of your desired article? Start with Option 2.
Already know the name of a journal or want to browse all our journals? Get started with Option 4.
Missing information about your desired article? Use our citation matcher to quickly check for full text.
Searching for articles on a particular topic? Start with Option 3.
To quickly check for full text if you have an article DOI (digital object identifier) or PMID (PubMed ID), use the tool below. You can also use this same tool by visiting or by selecting the DOI/PMID tab in the search box on our home page.
Use the THP OneSearch tool on the library home page to run a keyword search for books, articles, journal titles, and more. OneSearch lets you search all the library's databases and subscriptions in one place. Use the Advanced Search option to run a more targeted search using specific fields (e.g., title, author or keyword), and using Boolean logic (AND/OR).
Search results will include links to the full-text PDFs if available.
Where full text is not available, an order form will be generated. Add your contact information, and library staff will track down the full text for you.
If you have any questions or run into any issues, please contact us.
Choose a database suitable for your topic. For medicine and hospital administration, consider starting with PubMed or MEDLINE. For nursing and allied health, consider starting with CINAHL or ProQuest. Run a search using the keywords from your research question or topic. A results list will display below your search.
Next, look for full-text links for THP-subscribed content. Depending on the database, links will appear in the results list or once you click on the article title. See the sample screen shots below. If you do not see a full-text link or button, take note of the citation information, particularly the journal title. Then contact us to request the article or try our online journal list.
Click on a citation in the results list, then look for the blue "THP full-text" button.
Use the THP OneSearch tool on the library home page to search the online journal list by title or partial title, vendor, publisher or ISSN. Or browse all journal titles to see a full alphabetical list.
Enter the journal title or partial title into the search box. Select the journal from the results list to view holdings. Then select a link with full-text access. If the journal you are searching for is not listed or the year or issue is not in our collection, please contact us.
Only have a partial citation noted from a presentation or meeting? Wondering how to find the full citation? Use the PubMed Single Citation Matcher to track down the citation information you need. Enter the information you have and hit Search. When you've found the full citation, you can search for the article through THP OneSearch, our databases, or our online journal list. Or contact us for help.
CVH Tel: 905-813-2411
MH/QHC Tel: 905-848-7394