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Faculty Development Week - Day 5

Simulation for Healthcare Improvement - the good, the bad and the ugly

Simulation for Healthcare Improvement - the good, the bad and the ugly

Brief Description:

Have we realised the promise of healthcare simulation in improving quality and safety in healthcare? Is the resource intensive investment in simulation really worth it? What unintended harms might we have caused along the way?
This session is for educators who are thoughtful about the role of simulation in healthcare. We’ll consider the importance of strategy and execution for high-quality simulation targeting the right objectives.

April 16, 2021 (2:30pm – 3:30pm)

Victoria Brazil (She/Her)

Victoria Brazil is an emergency physician and medical educator. She is Professor of Emergency Medicine and Director of Simulation at the Gold Coast Health Service, and at Bond University medical program. Victoria’s main interests are in connecting education with patient care - through healthcare simulation, team development, and listening at conferences. She also serves as a faculty member with the Harvard Macy Institute. Victoria is an enthusiast in the social media and #FOAMed world (@SocraticEM). She is co-producer of Simulcast and she hosts the Harvard Macy Institute podcast.