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Faculty Development Week - Day 3

Day Three - Resources

6 Steps to Successful Virtual Supervision
Authors: Risa Bordman, Eleanor Colledge, Susan Goldstein, Milena Markovski
Type: Tip Sheet

Day Three - Resources

AMEE Guide 39: Online Assessment
Authors: Reg Dennick, Simon Wilkinson, Nigel Purcell
Type: Online eAssessment

Description: An outline of the advantages of on-line eAssessment and an examination of the intellectual, technical, learning and cost issues that arise from its use.

Day Three - Resources

Best Practices Supervising Learners While Providing Virtual Care
Author: Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Type: Best Practices Document

Description: With physical-distancing measures in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many clinicians are providing care via telephone or video. As a result, clinicians require strategies for effective clinical supervision in the virtual environment. Although teaching while providing virtual care has many parallels to supervising in a regular clinical setting, preceptors must be familiar with the required technology along with tailored approaches to ensure patient safety.

Day Three - Resources

Comparing Feedback from Faculty Interactions and Virtual Assessment Software in the Development of Psychomotor Skills in Preclinical Fixed Prosthodontics
Authors: Ramtin Sadid‐Zadeh, Elizabeth H. D'Angelo, Joseph Gambacorta
Type: Article

Description: The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of virtual assessment software as a means of immediate feedback for preclinical fixed prosthodontics course.

Day Three - Resources

Conducting a High-Stakes OSCE in a COVID-19 Environment
Authors: Katharine Boursicot, Sandra Kemp, Thun How Ong, Limin Wijaya, Sok Hong Goh, Kirsty Freeman, Ian Curran
Type: Article

Description: This paper is to document our experience of planning and conducting an OSCE during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that others in similar circumstances will be able to plan and make suitable adjustments to the clinical skills examinations that ensure the validity and reliability of such high-stakes assessments (Lockyer, Carraccio et al., 2017) whilst protecting the safety of all participants, minimizing risk and maintaining defensibility to key stakeholders.

Day Three - Resources

COVID-19 Impact and Virtual Medical Education
Author: Shima Tabatabai
Type: Article

Description: This commentary discusses how this pandemic may affect medical education. In this commentary, the author highlights the importance of virtual education and the potential implications of integrating virtual simulation technologies into medical education for the future of clinical competency learning and assessment.

Day Three - Resources

Engaging Telepractice in your Occupational Therapy Practice
Authors: Ontario Society of Occupational Therapists
Type: Tip Sheet

Description: Offers considerations for implementing virtual (a.k.a. telepractice) care and list of relevant resources to support OT Practice virtually.

Day Three - Resources

Effectiveness of Virtual Medical Teaching During the COVID-19 Crisis: Systematic Review
Author: Robyn-Jenia Wilcha
Type: Article

Description: The objective of this study was to review the advantages and disadvantages of virtual medical teaching for medical students during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the current emerging literature.

Day Three - Resources

Faculty Development Resource Repository
Authors: The College of Family Physicians of Canada
Type: Website

Description: A collection of Virtual Teaching and Supervision Resources

Day Three - Resources

Medical and Surgical Education Challenges and Innovations in the COVID-19 Era: A Systematic Review
Authors: Aikaterini Dedeilia, Marinos G. Sotiropoulos, John Gerrard Hanrahan, Deepa Janga, Panagiotis Dedeilias, Michail Sideris
Type: Article

Description: The aim of this systematic review was to identify the challenges imposed on medical and surgical education by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the proposed innovations enabling the continuation of medical student and resident training.

Day Three - Resources

Online Assessment in Higher Education
Authors: Ashley Weleschuk, Patti Dyjur, Patrick Kelly
Type: Online Assessment Guide

Description: Online academic programs are becoming more prevalent across Canada. Currently, 82% of Canadian institutions offer online courses (Bates, 2018) and in the 2016-2017 academic year, 18% of postsecondary students in Canada took at least one fully online course (Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, 2019). As more instructors begin to teach online, by necessity, they will also need to assess their students online.

Day Three - Resources

Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Yoshiko Iwai
Type: Blog Post

Description: Personal reflection of a medical student in the US & their experience with Zoom learning during the pandemic.

Day Three - Resources

Optimizing Virtual Clinical Teaching During a Pandemic
Authors: Ramana Appireddy, Faizal Haji, Jessica Trier, David Taylor
Type: Online Panel

Description: In this session Drs. Ramana Appireddy, Faizal Haji, Jessica Trier and David Taylor will discuss different aspect of virtual clinical teaching: alternative strategies to the clinical learning environment, technologies that could be utilized with virtual clinical teaching, future trends and areas that need further investigation in virtual clinical teaching and all the opportunities and challenges these bring to the virtual clinical teaching environment.

Day Three - Resources

Perceptions of Medical Students Towards Online Teaching During the COVID-19 Pandemic: a National Cross-Sectional Survey of 2721 UK Medical Students 
Authors: Samiullah Dost, Aleena Hossain, Mai Shehab, Aida Abdelwahed, Lana Al-Nusair
Type: Article

Objectives: To investigate perceptions of medical students on the role of online teaching in facilitating medical education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Day Three - Resources

Type: Website

Description: Welcome to PIVOT MedEd! We have curated resources to help you pivot your medical education work online.

Day Three - Resources

PRIMER for Teaching & Supervision in Virtual Care
Author: Centre for Faculty Development
Type: Primer

Description: The purpose of this primer is to help clinical teachers supervising learners across all levels of health professions who are providing virtual care.

Day Three - Resources

Teaching & Supervising Junior Learners in Virtual Patient Care (VPC) Settings
Author: Jill Rudkowski
Type: YouTube Video

Description: This MacPFD event will be focusing on teaching & supervision of junior learners in Virtual Patient Care (VPC) settings. We have previously featured events that speak to the needs of senior trainees (e.g. residents, fellows), but this session will aim to highlight some key faculty development content for those who are hosting junior trainees (pre-graduate trainees in MD, PA, NP, OT, PT, SLP, RN programs) in the VPC setting.

At this end of this activity, learners will be able to:

  • Incorporate best practice virtual care supervision in their own clinical environments.
  • Learn about considerations for counselling clients and their families via virtual care.
  • Highlight important considerations in communication with junior learners and patients related to virtual care encounters.

Day Three - Resources

Telementoring Systems in the Operating Room: a New Approach in Medical Training
Authors: Juan P Wachs, Gerardo Gomez
Type: Article

Description: This paper discusses the challenges and innovations related to the use of telementoring systems in the operating room.

Day Three - Resources

‘The Virtual Check-In’: A tool to Facilitate Virtual Patient Interaction for Early Clinical Learners in a Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship
Authors: Aaron Johnston, Kendra Barrick, Farah Jivraj, Rithesh Ram
Type: Article

Description: In response to restrictions on learner placements in clinical environments during the COVID-19 pandemic the authors developed a tool, ‘The Virtual Check-In’, for clinical clerks in the University of Calgary Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship. These learners, who had been pulled from their rural and remote communities because of the pandemic, used the tool to continue to develop their clinical skills while working with their preceptors and patients online. This paper describes the rapid development of the tool using Kern’s principles for curriculum development and implementation, the format and uses of the final tool, and its potential use in other contexts.

Day Three - Resources

Tips for Supervising Family Medicine Learners Providing Virtual Care
Authors: Oandasan I, Cavett T, Singer A, Wolfrom B
Type: Tip Sheet

Day Three - Resources

Twelve Tips for OSCE-style Tele-assessment
Authors: Raymond Lewandowski, Angela Stratton, Tarun Sen Gupta, Michelle Cooper
Type: Article

Description: The Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) has developed a flexible ‘tele-assessment’ approach to the delivery of its assessment modalities. Candidates can sit their examination remotely, close to their place of practice, which reduces the need for rural doctors - both candidates and examiners - to leave their communities for the purpose of assessment.

Day Three - Resources

Seven Tips for Clinical Supervision in the Time of COVID19
Authors: Karen Schultz, Alexander Singer, Ivy Oadansan
Type: Journal Article

Description: Virtual care (VC) rapidly has become the preferred care model in family medicine settings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both
residents and preceptors must rapidly adapt and develop new skills to provide and supervise virtual care. The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) created a VC supervision guide for family medicine residents and preceptors by quickly mobilizing a consensus driven approach leveraging existing CFPC educational committees, representing a broad range of teachers and residents in the country. The guide can be adapted to other settings and is provided in the hopes of being helpful to all receptors providing VC and (virtual) supervision during the pandemic.

Day Three - Resources

Sport Medicine Virtual Physical Examination Guide
Authors: A. Francella, F. Merali, S. Kraft, N. Dilworth
Type: Guide

Description: Templates to guide virtual physical examination – offering standardized scripts to cue and communicate for body positioning, movement and specialized tests.

Day Three - Resources

Supervision in Primary Care During the Pandemic
Authors: Helen Foster, Rupal Shah, Sarah Siddiqui, Jane Gardner-Florence
Type: Podcast

Description: The pandemic has altered work patterns, so that in general practice most consultations are being done by telephone or video. Clinicians are sometimes working from home and trainees and supervisors may not always be in the same physical environment. The combination of different ways of consulting and this geographical separation can lead to challenge in terms of supervision. In this episode, we are in conversation with a GP trainee, a GP trainer and a GP educator about their experiences; and consider ways of overcoming the challenges they have faced.

Day Three - Resources

Working with Learners In Your Virtual Practice
Author: University of Calgary
Type: Webinar