The primary purpose of the Computer Lab is to support independent learning and continuing education for all St. Michael's Hospital staff, students, and physicians. The library and its learning lab are the only drop-in space available for independent learning. In order to ensure this space is available for independent learning, the lab is generally not available for group training activities. Hospital clients needing to conduct group training should use one of the SMH corporate training rooms (call IT at x5751 to book). If these rooms are not available you may be able to book the library lab by emailing
Please note that the following limitations will apply:
- The maximum time for any single booking is 3 hours
- To reserve individuals' access to computers and use of the Lab, the booking schedule is limited to a daily maximum of 5 hours (total time of all bookings per day) and weekly maximum of 12 hours (total time of all bookings in a week)
- Use of the Lab must include a computer hands-on component
- If there are less than 4 attendees, the class must be cancelled
- If there are 6 attendees or less, the back row of the lab must remain available for other students to use during the class, and the door to the lab must remain open
A few administrative notes when booking our lab:
- The projector remote may be picked up from the Library Information Desk next to the computer lab. Please return it there when finished.
- If you need technical assistance during your session please ask the staff person at the Library Information Desk.
- If you need software installed for your session, you must coordinate the installation with IT. Please let us know the name of the software. We can provide a list of ID numbers for the PCs if needed.
- Please come to the lab ahead of your session to ensure that all software is present and working as expected.
- Please help us keep our keyboards crumb free. There is no food allowed in the lab. Drinks with covers are fine.
Visit the Computer Lab page for more information about the booking process.