Interlibrary Loan services allows you to borrow materials (i.e. journal articles, books, DVDs) from other libraries if they are not within the the Unity Health Toronto Health Sciences Library collection. An interlibrary loan is initiated following the completion of the the Unity Health Toronto Health Sciences Library's request form. The requested material(s) are made available either electronically or at the library.
Before placing an ILL request, please ensure that the material is not held in our Library. If the material is in our collection it will appear in the Journals, Articles, or Books catalogue. Please note that your request cannot be processed if the material is within the library.
Couldn't find it? Use the online ILL Request Form
NOTE: For requests consisting of 10 or more citations, please contact before submitting form.
As of March 1, 2023 there is no cost for Interlibrary Loans for Unity Health Toronto staff, learners, or physicians.
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