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Systematic Review Overview: Introduction

Introduction to the 8 elements that encompass a systematic review

Systematic Review Overview


The purpose of this gateway is to provide a single repository of information that offers you an overview of the necessary steps involved in conducting a successful systematic review. In response to increasing requests for help with systematic reviews, this gateway has been developed to address researchers’ questions, and bridge a potential knowledge gap.

The goals:

  • Researchers will gain a better understanding of the requirements of a systematic review
  • Researchers will be prepared to proceed more confidently with their systematic reviews
  • Researchers will be prepared in advance for their meetings with their information specialists

By providing the background information needed, the researcher's and information specialist's time and efforts will be utilized more effectively.

Each section of this gateway provides you with a description of the steps of a systematic review with links to resources for further in-depth consultation.

It is not intended to be the final word or authority on conducting a systematic review. You are encouraged to read widely of our resources to get a full and complete understanding of the process of completing a systematic review.

There are also guides for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Please refer to the PRISMA Statement.

If you are considering conducting a systematic review, be sure to familiarize yourself with the next segment, “Systematic Review: What it is and isn’t”, as well as reviewing at least one of the Systematic Review Guideline documents.

Systematic reviews, if well done, provide a reliable and minimally bias source of information on topics of concern to clinical practice. Patient safety and responsible health care services are on the line. Learn about the 8 steps involved in a systematic review, and why you need to elucidate each before you get started.

00:00 Welcome
01:36 Land Acknowledgement
03:17 Session Objectives
04:14 Activity: how long does a systematic review take?
06:05 What is a Systematic Review
07:24 Before Getting Started (what do you need to do)
10:36 Methodological and reporting guidelines for systematic reviews
12:02 Steps involved in a systematic review
The Research Question
14:56 The Systematic Review Protocol
Literature Searching
20:00 Literature Searching - Why include a librarian on your team
21:26 Literature Searching - handling citations
22:00 Literature Searching - reporting how citations were handled
22:26 Screening
Screening - AI Applications in Screening
AI tools in Systematic Reviews
30:00 Responsible AI in Evidence Synthesis (Cochrane)
30:40 Quality Assessment
Data Extraction/Abstraction
Data Analysis
34:03 Interpretation of Results
Knowledge translation & dissemination
36:00 The Publication Cycle
36:29 Thank you for joining!
Q&A Are your services only for those affiliated with UHN
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