The purpose of this gateway is to provide a single repository of information that offers you an overview of the necessary steps involved in conducting a successful systematic review. In response to increasing requests for help with systematic reviews, this gateway has been developed to address researchers’ questions, and bridge a potential knowledge gap.
The goals:
By providing the background information needed, the researcher's and information specialist's time and efforts will be utilized more effectively.
Each section of this gateway provides you with a description of the steps of a systematic review with links to resources for further in-depth consultation.
It is not intended to be the final word or authority on conducting a systematic review. You are encouraged to read widely of our resources to get a full and complete understanding of the process of completing a systematic review.
There are also guides for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Please refer to the PRISMA Statement.
If you are considering conducting a systematic review, be sure to familiarize yourself with the next segment, “Systematic Review: What it is and isn’t”, as well as reviewing at least one of the Systematic Review Guideline documents.
Systematic reviews, if well done, provide a reliable and minimally bias source of information on topics of concern to clinical practice. Patient safety and responsible health care services are on the line. Learn about the 8 steps involved in a systematic review, and why you need to elucidate each before you get started.
00:00 Welcome
01:36 Land Acknowledgement
03:17 Session Objectives
04:14 Activity: how long does a systematic review take?
06:05 What is a Systematic Review
07:24 Before Getting Started (what do you need to do)
10:36 Methodological and reporting guidelines for systematic reviews
12:02 Steps involved in a systematic review
12:22 The Research Question
14:56 The Systematic Review Protocol
17:40 Literature Searching
20:00 Literature Searching - Why include a librarian on your team
21:26 Literature Searching - handling citations
22:00 Literature Searching - reporting how citations were handled
22:26 Screening
25:00 Screening - AI Applications in Screening
28:00 AI tools in Systematic Reviews
30:00 Responsible AI in Evidence Synthesis (Cochrane)
30:40 Quality Assessment
32:06 Data Extraction/Abstraction
33:30 Data Analysis
34:03 Interpretation of Results
34:50 Knowledge translation & dissemination
36:00 The Publication Cycle
36:29 Thank you for joining!
37:47 Q&A Are your services only for those affiliated with UHN
34:33 Thank you for watching!
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