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Research Lifecycle Directory: Sharing and Impact

After Publication

The research lifecycle does not end after publication. You still need to promote your research, preserve your data, and eventually measure the impact of your publication. This page provides some helpful resources aimed to guide researchers beyond publication.

Promoting Your Research

Data Deposition in RDM

The Digital Research Alliance of Canada provides a scalable, federated platform for digital research data management (RDM) and discovery. 

Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, is a bilingual, multi-disciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. 

Preserving and Sharing Research Data

FAIR Principles

Consider FAIR Principles as guidelines in your research data management strategies to make your data findable, accessible, interoperable, and re-usable. 

Measuring Impact

Quick reference card for research impact metrics

Image from Library Connect at Elsevier

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
Michener Institute of Education at UHN, 2018.