EndNote is a citation management software package owned by Clarivate, and it enables you to:
In order to get EndNote on your St. Michael's Hospital PC, you must submit a request to IT. St. Michael's Hospital is the only site at Unity Health Toronto to have a site license for all staff members, and you can have EndNote installed onto your device for free. If you are located at St. Joseph's Health Centre or Providence Healthcare, please call IT and ask how to obtain EndNote on your PC!
Note that: St. Michael's Hospital used to have an older licence of EndNote X9, but has recently upgraded to the newest version EndNote 21!
St. Michael's Hospital has recently upgraded their EndNote license from EndNote x9 to EndNote 21! Here is some important information to know to help you transition from the older to the newer version:
EndNote libraries created in version 21 are not backwardly compatible with older versions of EndNote because Clarivate introduced a new database engine from X9 onwards. When you use EndNote X9 or 21 to open a library that was created in an earlier version, you will be prompted to create a new converted library.
Information on library conversion and backward compatibility from Clarivate.
As you begin to use the new version of EndNote - you may come across the following issue: how can you share EndNote 21 libraries with individuals who still have EndNote X9.2 and older?
It is free to update from X9.2 to X9.3.3, however, if the individual has other libraries that they previously created using X9.2, and then tried opening it after updating to X9.3.3, then they would be prompted to convert the library, and then open it. Suppose they would want to keep their current version. In that case, you can provide the XML file using the steps below. EndNote X9.3 and later libraries are not backward compatible with previous versions. To use EndNote X9.3 and later libraries with an older version of EndNote without using Sync:
There are many wonderful videos out there on EndNote 21 - here are a few of our favourites:
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