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The Consortium

Terms of Reference

Committee name and type

The Learning and  Development Subcommittee (LDSC) is a standing subcommittee of the Health Science Information Consortium Management Committee.


The LDSC offers opportunities for learning and development and a forum for the support and exchange of resources, skills and knowledge.


The Committee will consist of 6 to 10 members. Membership is open to all staff in Consortium member libraries.  Members should participate for a minimum of 2 years.


Responsibilities will be met during the Calendar year, January to December.


  1. To identify and prioritize topics for HSIC learning and development opportunities in the upcoming year, the committee will start the term with the following:

    1. Monitor standards, both national (Accreditation Canada, CHLA-ABSC) and international (MLA), for library services and core competencies.

    2. Actively scan the environment for emerging trends in library and information work.

    3. Conduct a brief, annual survey.  This survey will also uncover who would like to deliver training and share their expertise.

    4. Maintain a list of external training resources and organizations, for members to browse and self-select training opportunities. (Not a calendar resource) The Committee will verify content and provide any updates to the Executive Director who will update the guide.

  2. The committee will deliver three professional development sessions per year.  Timing can be flexible and driven by opportunity and availability, but rough schedule would be:

  1. Spring session – select one learning priority.

  2. Fall session – post-conference focus, bringing forward ideas and presentations from other conferences delivered by members.

  3. Winter session - lightning talk/community of practice on library innovations or emerging trends.

Executive Director:

  1. Oversee the responsibilities/deliverables of the Committee and any working groups.

  2. Request any budget requirements from the Management Committee. 

  3. Conduct review of Terms of Reference as appropriate.

  4. Canvas for more committee members as needed. 

  5. Provide updates to the Board and Management Committee as needed.


  1. Best effort to be made to attend as many meetings as possible.

  2. Active participation in ensuring deliverables and responsibilities are met

  3. Each member will be responsible for the successful delivery of at least one deliverable in the course of the year.  This could require additional meetings outside of the quarterly committee meetings and can include:

    1. Determining a learning theme or topic.

    2. Finding, supporting or acting as presenters and facilitators.

    3. Determining format (i.e. hybrid, webinar)

    4. Logistics

    5. Marketing and promotion. 

    6. Request recordings, presentations and deliverables from past events and deliver to ED for posting on LibGuide.


Meetings will be held quarterly or at the request of the Executive Director, with other business being conducted by email. Working groups with deliverables will meet as required.


When learning opportunities require funding from the HSIC budget, they must be presented to the Management Committee for review and approval.  


  1. Annual survey of professional development needs and opportunities.

  2. Three continuing education sessions per year.

  3. Have fun!!

TOR Review

The Terms of Reference should be reviewed every 3 years.


For a listing of events, meeting minutes and past presentations, click here.