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Citation Management Software

Installing Mendeley

Mendeley is available both as a desktop application and via the web. You need to use Mendeley Reference Manager desktop to take advantage of all of the program's functions. You can download Mendeley Reference Manager Desktop here.

Saving References to Mendeley Reference Manager

There are four ways to add a reference to Mendeley Desktop:

  1. Drag and drop a file or folder into Mendeley.  
  2. Import citations from a library database by choosing the RIS format when you export your references, then dragging and dropping the RIS file into Mendeley.
  3. Use the "Save to Mendeley" bookmark to download citations from websites into Mendeley web (you will need to sync Mendeley web and Mendeley desktop to make sure your new references show up in both). Get the bookmark here.
  4. Create an entry manually, under "Add files". Mendeley will automatically look up and fill in citation information for you when you enter the item's DOI and click on the magnifying glass icon beside the DOI field.

Organizing Your Refrences

It is easier to find particular references in your Mendeley library when you:

  • create folders for specific topics or projects
  • add tags to individual records that are meaningful to you
  • use the filter to filter results by author, author keywords, your own tags, or journal title

Searching Your References

You can search your personal library or groups you belong to using the search box. You can narrow down your results by searching in specific fields. For example, when looking for articles about diabetic foot, you could use one of the following

tag:diabetic foot

abstract:diabetic foot

Watch the video for more information.

Finding and Merging Duplicate Records

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