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Recover a deleted or missing EndNote Library

As long as you still have the EndNote data folder (.Data file), associated with the deleted or missing EndNote Library, you can recreate your Library by following the steps below:


  1. Open a new Notepad document. Leave the document blank
  2. Choose File Save As...
  3. Save the document in the same location as the Data folder. Give the file, the same name as the Data folder and adjust the suffix to .enl (For example, Research Library.txt will become Research Library.enl)
  4. Click on Save
  5. Your file will convert to a .enl file and should include the references from the deleted/ missing EndNote Library


  1. Open a new TextEdit document. Leave the document blank
  2. Choose File > Save...
  3. Give the file, the same name as the Data folder and save to the same location as the Data folder
  4. Locate the saved file and adjust the suffix in the file name to .enl (For example, Research Library.rtf will become Research Library.enl)
  5. At the prompt, confirming to change the file extension, choose Use.enl
  6. Open the file, which should contain the references from the deleted/ missing EndNote Library

Source: Western Sydney University, Library FAQs

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