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Nursing Rounds Resource Guide


January 31, 2024 - Bariatric Friendly Care

May 29, 2024 - Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Clinical Externs, Extern Mentor Coordinators and Unit Managers toward a Clinical Externship Program During the COVID-19 Pandemic



January 28, 2021 One Minute Time Out - A Pre Dialysis Safety Checklist


January 30, 2020 -Putting Our Heads Into The "Cloud" To Support Clinical Care

October 29, 2020 -Perioperative Staff Safety during COVID-19: Using Data for Simulation Training?

November 25, 2020 -Ethics, Professional Practice, and the Duty to Care in a Pandemic


January 31, 2019 - Supporting oral feeding skill development in preterm infants: an evidence-based approach

March 28, 2019 - My patient is for P.L.E.X. What does that mean anyway?

June 27, 2019 - Getting to the Heart: Optimizing team performance during cardiac arrest in CICU

September 26, 2019 - IVs and You: Innovative Teaching Strategies To Improve Patient Care

October 31, 2019 - Code Stroke & Code ELVIS At St. Michael's Hospital

November 28th, 2019 - Advancing Patient Care Through Nurse-Led Best Practice Guideline Implementation


November 2018 - Supporting the journey of a patient on constant care: A collaborative approach

October 2018 - Substance Use Disorders and Harm Reduction

September 2018 - Sepsis Prevention

June 2018 - Nurse Practitioner Led Models of Care: Innovative Care Delivery Solutions for Acute Care​

April 2018 - Community Building and Saving Lives: A Collaborative Approach to Harm Reduction​

March 2018 - St. Michael’s Hospital Nursing Resource Team: Enhancing the Quality of Care through RN Staffing Optimization​

February 2018 - Improving Care Transitions: Using Best Practices to Improve Patient Outcomes

January 2018 - Implementing a Hospital/Public Health Partnership Breastfeeding Walk-in Clinic: a Collaborative Response to our Patients’ Needs


November 2017 - Mind the Gap: A Collaborative Initiative to Address Potential Safety Risks in Intrahospital Patient Transitions

October 2017 - The emerging role of the Mental Health Emergency Services Area (MHESA) and the MHESA RN at St. Michael's Hospital

September 2017 - Contact Tracing for Tuberculosis

June 2017 - Every Patient Must Have a Destination: Transitioning Care Within the CVICU

May 2017 - Managing COPD

March 2017 - Quality Improvement in Hemodialysis: Introducing the Hemo Pause

February 2017 - Care Transitions: Lessons Learned from the Trauma Neurosurgery Program

January 2017 - When Stroke Strikes, Minutes Matter