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Faculty Development Week - Resources

Faculty Development Week Resources - Documents

Day Two - Resources

Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition
Authors: Amanda Coolidge, Sue Doner, Tara Robertson, Josie Gray
Type: Toolkit

Description: The goal of the Accessibility Toolkit - 2nd Edition is to provide resources for each content creator, instructional designer, educational technologist, librarian, administrator, and teaching assistant to create a truly open textbook—one that is free and accessible for all students.

Day Two - Resources

An Urgency of Teachers the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy
Authors: Sean Michael Morris and Jesse Stommel
Type: Collection of Essays

Description: This collection of essays explores the authors’ work in, inquiry into, and critique of online learning, educational technology, and the trends, techniques, hopes, fears, and possibilities of digital pedagogy. This version is available open-access on a pay what you can basis. For more information, visit

Day Two - Resources

EDI Considerations in Online Teaching and Learning
Author: Education Portfolio, Unity Health Toronto
Type: Guide

Day Two - Resources

Ensuring Equity in Online Learning – Considerations in Response to COVID-19’s Impact on Schooling
Author: Intercultural Development Research Association
Type: Best Practice Document

Description: This special edition issue brief provides educators ideas on how technology can best serve us during these times. The following suggestions rely on best educational practices, logical conclusions drawn from school district equity audits and classroom observations, research on technology access, and our collective empathy toward families and students.

Day Two - Resources

Guidance on Culturally-Responsive Sustaining Education
Author: Dr. David E. Kirkland
Type: Best Practice Document

Description: This guide by New York University aims "to provide those involved with the education of our children the support they will need to answer this question and others related to it as we all navigate the rapidly changing set of circumstances brought about by COVID-19. Our team of educational equity experts remain available to help."

Day Two - Resources

Make Your Word Documents Accessible to People with Disabilities
Author: MS Office
Type: Guide

Description: This topic gives you step-by-step instructions and best practices to make your Word documents accessible to people with disabilities. When your documents are accessible, you unlock your content to everyone and people with differing abilities can read your content and work with your files. You learn, for example, how to add alt texts to images so that people using screen readers are able to listen to what the image is all about. You'll also learn how to use colors and styles to maximize the inclusiveness of your Word documents before sharing them with others.

Day Two - Resources

Navigating Micro-Aggressions in the Classroom
Author: Centre for Teaching and Learning – University of Toronto
Type: Tip Sheet

Description: This document has emerged from working group discussions and is intended as a preliminary resource to assist instructors and TAs who are responding to situations involving micro aggressions in the classroom. Work is ongoing, both at UTSC and on a tri-campus level, to develop further resources in this area, recognizing that micro aggressions are a systemic issue. This connects also to UTSC’s broader work in ensuring that its commitment to inclusion, Indigeneity, and anti-racism is embedded in our programs and pedagogical supports.

Day Two - Resources

Teaching Interculturally: a Framework for Integrating Disciplinary Knowledge and Intercultural Development
Author: Amy Lee
Type: Book

Description: This book provides faculty and instructors with a theoretical foundation, practical tools, and an iterative and reflective process for designing and implementing an intercultural pedagogy that also advances deep disciplinary learning.



Day Three - Resources

6 Steps to Successful Virtual Supervision
Authors: Risa Bordman, Eleanor Colledge, Susan Goldstein, Milena Markovski
Type: Tip Sheet

Day Three - Resources

Best Practices Supervising Learners While Providing Virtual Care
Author: Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Type: Best Practices Document

Description: With physical-distancing measures in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many clinicians are providing care via telephone or video. As a result, clinicians require strategies for effective clinical supervision in the virtual environment. Although teaching while providing virtual care has many parallels to supervising in a regular clinical setting, preceptors must be familiar with the required technology along with tailored approaches to ensure patient safety.

Day Three - Resources

Online Assessment in Higher Education
Authors: Ashley Weleschuk, Patti Dyjur, Patrick Kelly
Type: Online Assessment Guide

Description: Online academic programs are becoming more prevalent across Canada. Currently, 82% of Canadian institutions offer online courses (Bates, 2018) and in the 2016-2017 academic year, 18% of postsecondary students in Canada took at least one fully online course (Canadian Digital Learning Research Association, 2019). As more instructors begin to teach online, by necessity, they will also need to assess their students online.

Day Three - Resources

PRIMER for Teaching & Supervision in Virtual Care
Author: Centre for Faculty Development
Type: Primer

Description: The purpose of this primer is to help clinical teachers supervising learners across all levels of health professions who are providing virtual care.

Day Three - Resources

Tips for Supervising Family Medicine Learners Providing Virtual Care
Authors: Oandasan I, Cavett T, Singer A, Wolfrom B
Type: Tip Sheet

Day Three - Resources

Sport Medicine Virtual Physical Examination Guide
Authors: A. Francella, F. Merali, S. Kraft, N. Dilworth
Type: Guide

Description: Templates to guide virtual physical examination – offering standardized scripts to cue and communicate for body positioning, movement and specialized tests.



Day Four - Resources

Moving Classes Online Is Hard. Online Discussion Can Help
Author: Kathleen S. Ives
Type: Tip Sheet

Description: To achieve better success rates in online learning, we need to cultivate the sort of student engagement that's often the hallmark of great teaching and learning environments, writes Kathleen Ives.



Day Five - Resources

Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation
Authors: Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson
Type: Rubric

Description: This rubric has been designed for instructors and staff as a formative tool to evaluate eLearning tools in higher education. eLearning tools are defined as any digital technology, mediated through the use of a computing device, deliberately selected to support student learning. The rubric supports a multi-dimensional evaluation of functional, technical, and pedagogical aspects of eLearning Tools.