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Teaching and Learning in the Time of COVID-19

COVID-19 Narratives

Please note: The content is no longer being updated and may not reflect current evidence or guidance.

There are many stories to be told by those working, living and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Stories of grief, hope, anger and joy... Here are a few for you to experience. Learn of the firsthand experiences of learners, healthcare providers, patients and community members with the collection of personal narratives below.

Visit the Valuable Voices: Stories in Healthcare for more personal accounts of health and health care experiences.

Want to Share Your Story?

Some organizations are collecting stories of the pandemic, in an effort to chronicle the range of experiences of Covid-19. Here are organizations that are creating digital archives where you can share your story.

TeamUHN Experiences

The Life in the time of COVID - Reflections from Front-Line Healthcare Providers was developed by the The Michener Institute of Education at UHN. The video provides a lens into the lived experiences and gives insights from many healthcare professionals at UHN during this unprecedented time. 

Learner Experiences

Healthcare Provider Experiences

Patient Experiences

Community Experiences

More COVID-19 Narrative Repositories