Crisis and abuse
For support anytime, call or text 988
If you might be a victim or know someone else who might be, call 1-833-900-1010
For help with a mental health or substance abuse crisis, call (416) 929-5200
For anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their Residential school experience, call 1-800-721-0066
For support with mental health, distress, crisis, family violence, suicide and other emergencies, call (416) 408-4357
For peer support phone service run by trans people, call 1-877-330-6366
For on-scene crisis, trauma, safety and support services if you are a victim of crime and sudden tragedy, call (416) 808-7066
Find interpreters for more than 70 languages, including sign language, for agencies working with newcomers and refugees who experienced domestic or sexual violence and human trafficking.
For support and information if you are or have been a victim of sexual assault, call (905) 525-4162
If you are in an emergency situation, need police, fire or ambulance, call 911
If you are an Indigenous women and need support, call 1-855-554-4325
For women survivors of sexual violence, sexual harassment, human trafficking and other forms of gender based violence, call (416) 597-8808
For peer support phone service run by trans people, call 1 877-330-6366
For counselling, safety planning, supports and resources to help if you are experiencing any form of abuse, call 1-866-863-0511
If you are a Francophone women who is experiencing violence, call 1- 877-336-2433
Answer a quick set questions to see if your safety is at risk while at home under public health measure like COVID-19
Answer 9 quick questions to see if your safety is at risk and where to get help
For support with a present or past sexual assault, call 1-866-887-0015
If you are in an emergency situation, need police, fire or ambulance, call 911
For professional, culturally appropriated supports to help you in your time of need. Call 1-833-294-8650 from 9 am to 10 pm.
For help finding counselling, information and resources in your area, call 1 800-668-6868
For confidential and non-judgmental peer support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, queer and questioning young people. Phone, text or chat lines are open from Sunday to Friday (visit their website for more information).
For peer support within the Muslim community, call (905) 890-2365 from 12 pm to 9 pm every day.
For peer support phone service run by trans people, call 1 877-330-6366
If you are in an emergency situation, need police, fire or ambulance, call 911
For mobile crisis services for older adults (65+ years) with addictions issues or mental illness, call (416) 217-2077
For counselling and support related to stress, abuse and grief.
For resources and help if you are at risk of or are being abused, call 1-866-299-1011
If you are in an emergency situation, need police, fire or ambulance, call 911