Drug, alcohol and addictions
Learn and share your experience if you have someone close to you who has a problem with alcohol
For help finding a withdrawal management program and detox beds, call 1-866-366-9513
For support with mental health and addictions by phone, text or email
For help with a substance abuse crisis, call (416) 929-5200
For an assessment or a referral for help with substance use, call 416-535-8501 and press 2
if you are alone, about to use drugs and want to connect with people who are there to help you stay safe, call 1-888-688-6677
Walk-in clinics throughout in Ontario where you can get help for a substance use disorder. No appointment or referral needed
For a safe place for people to inject drugs with supervision
For locations you can safely start to withdraw from substance use. *Some locations are gender specific
Support program for women overcoming substance abuse challenges
A place for teens with families who have alcohol problems to meet up and share their experiences
For help finding counselling, information and resources in your area
Connect with a counsellor by phone or video. Open Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7pm and Saturdays from 10 am - 3 pm
If you are 55 years of age or older and would like help with an addiction concern, call 416-248-2050