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Open Access (OA)

Why Publish OA?

Why should you publish in OA journals?

Unity Health Toronto staff should publish in open access journals because doing so makes your research accessible to everyone. And because your research is accessible, more people will view your research. More people viewing your research could benefit you in various ways. One way is that your research could receiving more citations compared to an article published under paid access. Another is that a result of increased awareness of your research, you could gain more prestige and your reputation could increase in academia and research. In addition, a result of more citations and presitige, you could be more likely be approved for funding and also recieve more funding. Finally, open access opens up the possibility of benefiting from other fields of knowledge. Paid access limit UH staff to only their field because in order to decrease costs, access is only paid for research in the UH staff's field. For example, paid access could result in staff working in nutrition to only having access to publications in the field of nutrition. Open access opens up access for UH staff to fields outside their own, for example, it gives staff researching nutrition access to pediatric research publications, which could greatly benefit and advance their research.

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