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Open Access (OA)

Where to Publish

How to find reputable journals to publish in:

Scimago Journal and Country Rank is free to use website that ranks journals and indicates if they are open access or not. Good for finding journals to publish to and potentially for find articles.

OASPA - Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association's membership is list of publishers that are either fully open access, or have policies for open access publishing. Included within are prestigious publishers such as Springer Nature,Taylor & Francis, and Wiley. Clicking on the name of a publisher lets you see the ways to publish open access, which you can find under "Publication charge policy" and "OASPA Compliant OA Journals". You can also look under "Copyright and Licensing Policy" to see what license options are available. "Peer review policy" will give you an idea of the peer review process.

How to Assess a Journal by the Canadian Association of Research Libraries:

Searchable database of copyright and archiving policies:

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