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UHN Virtual Library: New Books

Learning Focus on: Indigenous Peoples Day

by Bianna Glaizer on 2024-06-21T10:54:00-04:00 | 0 Comments
Cover image of The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being
       Indigenous Cultures and Mental Health Counselling : Four Directions for Integration with Counselling Psychology Cover Image                                                                                                       

Cover image of Research and Reconciliation: Unsettling Ways of Knowing Through Indigenous Relationships

Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health, Second Edition : Beyond the Social Cover Image                                                                                                           
The Arts of Indigenous Health and Well-Being

Indigenous Cultures and Mental Health Counselling : Four Directions for Integration with Counselling Psychology

Research & Reconciliation: Unsettling Ways of Knowing Through Indigenous Relationships

Determinants of Indigenous Peoples' Health, Second Edition : Beyond the Social

The land on which the University Health Network operates is the traditional territory of the Huron-Wendat, the Haudenosaunee (hoe-dee-no-SHOW-nee), and the Mississaugas of the Credit River. This territory is the subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous and Metis (May-tee) people from across Turtle Island and our library is grateful to have the opportunity to work and learn on this land. 

This National Indigenous Peoples Day, learn and understand more about Indigenous health and experiences with healthcare in Canada by checking out these resources from UHN Library and Information Services.

UHN Libraries is committed to providing a collection that supports TeamUHN efforts in working towards reconciliation. Even if you’re not working primarily with Indigenous populations, we encourage you to explore stories to learn more about the ways Indigenous people experience healthcare in Canada.

For Indigenous Peoples Day you can also join TeamUHN in observing a Sunrise Ceremony at Michener Gitigan!

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