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Library Workshops

Measuring and Demonstrating Your Research Impact

Bibliometrics such as the Journal Impact Factor and the h-index are commonly used metrics to measure an author’s influence or impact. This presentation will provide an overview of the most popular bibliometrics, how they are calculated, and their strengths and weaknesses. Attendees will also learn how to manage their scholarly identity through author identifiers and profiles and how these can be used to demonstrate impact.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this session participants will:

  • Have an understanding of the most common research impact metrics and how they are calculated (Journal Impact Factors, h-index, altmetrics)
  • Be prepared to create their own author profiles, specifically ORCID and Google Scholar
  • Learn about ways to promote and increase their research impact 

Prerequisite: None

Target Audience: All staff and students. 

Duration: 1 hour

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